In order for us to have an abundant life, we have to create it.
The life you have,
Is what you give,
Giving what you put into,
Is the life you will have,
Through the process,
Comes with your effort,
That effort creates doors,
Doors that you can choose,
Choose to take paths,
Paths that will give you,
The opportunities that you need,
To create the life you want,
The process is long,
But the process is rewarding,
Through all your effort.
A motivational poem to make you learn and become inspired.
We all need inspiration in sometimes it boils down to a motivational poem. Creating the life you want to have can be difficult, tasking, and will challenge you every step of the way because it’s oppose to be that way. Why is it oppose to be not easy? Well, because if our dreams are that difficult to achieve, then it must be worthwhile to do so.There’s challenges that contain significant values that can give us experiences like no other. Moving away from your creativity only blocks you from progress. Why does it block us? Because we need challenges to become better than what we currently are.
Changing our life is quite possible, but we need both positive and negative influences to help us create our lives.
We can take the easy way of life or the hard way depending on how we look at things and whether or not we’re willing to make the sacrifice in our lives to create the reality we all want to have. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth all the dedication and hard work we committed ourselves with to having a for filling life.
Interested in watching my motivational videos? You can check out my YouTube channel for more motivational content and inspiring discussions! See you there!