Wanting to improve in relationships, personal development, individuality, or simply wanting to be inspired to accomplish, should be everyone’s goal.
Hey everyone,
First off, I want to thank you for visiting this page and checking it out. It’s so cool to meet people from around the world and seeing so many people who are trying to achieve their goals and dreams. So with that being said, let me tell you a little bit about myself! I’ve always wanted to continuously find ways to improve in myself by looking at the things that I may need improving in. At times, it’s hard to admit that you may have weaknesses or things you lack in that may be hindering your progress in life. However, we all have weaknesses or things we may be going through that it’s quite possible to improve and become stronger individuals from. Our goals ultimately create what our lives will be as along as we continue to pursue them and put forth the effort to become better.
As a former Lockheed Martin engineer and Military Veteran, I created StichRulez to inspire people to pursue their dreams and goals they’ve set out for our lives while improving in themselves. At times, we may set goals and then becoming distracted with life’s circumstances that happen in our lives and as a result, our dreams are put on hold and we may never pursue them again. In reality, most people let go of their dreams or goals and end up doing things they really don’t want to do because of life’s circumstances. Life can take twists and turns. In fact, I’ve been through my fair share of disappointments and obstacles throughout my life which made me look at life as more of an obstacle than gratifying at times. However, I learned over the years to become more resilient, overcome my obstacles, and look at life’s positives no matter what the circumstance may be. It’s our outlook in life that can create motivation to pursue happiness which gives me a smile each and everyday.
We may be unsure what we want out of life. Some people want to be doctors, lawyers, or professors. But, what do you want to be in your life? What do you want out of life? What’s your purpose in life? You see, I created StichRulez to help motivate others to finding their goals, achieving in life, become a better person, and trying to put a smile on someone’s face with some of the videos and blogs I create. I really hope you enjoy StichRulez.
Thank you for all the fan mail, support, and positive comments. Because without you all, StichRulez wouldn’t be possible if there wasn’t such dedicated, caring people like you!